I have zero tolerance for rudeness.
Please do not ever bring it here or any of my other social media sites. I appreciate comments and constructive criticism, but I will not tolerate trolls. Excessive flaming will be blocked and, if continued, reported.
The anonymity of the Internet has bred too many assholes: not only assholes, sociopaths. People who sit behind their computer screens and microphones and convey horrible (and I mean HORRIBLE) things to and about others, and for what? And why? What purpose could they possibly have? They go out of their way to be despicable to another human being and there’s absolutely no benefit in it for them. It doesn’t sustain them; they don’t get paid to do it, it doesn’t feed or water them, and shelter them, nothing.
Here is just one example of what people say to one another. Believe me, you only really need one...
If that person was actually face to face with the human they just told to go kill themselves, they would not have the audacity to say it to their face. If they did, there would be consequences. Harassment is a crime and would be dealt with in person, and should be dealt with over the Internet.
I understand there is freedom of speech. I understand there is criticism. I favor people saying what they want to say as long as it doesn’t attack the psyche of another human being. I favor criticism (otherwise how would anything ever get any better), but I feel as if it should be delivered in a polite and respectful way.
If you come to my pages and you feel the need to contribute your thoughts, and they are negative, keep it to polite and respectful constructive criticism. I will remove your comment and block you.
It’s ultimately up to each content creator to decide how they would like to handle rudeness, but I believe if we all started showing zero tolerance for this behavior, the Internet, and eventually the World in general, would be a better place.