Halloween costume plans

September 30, 2013

It’s that time of year to start thinking about Halloween costumes and to get started creating mine!

I am going indulge my nostalgic childhood delight and be Wish Bear of the Care Bears.

Once I've figured out all the details I will write up the instructions and post them here!

What are you all going to be for Halloween?

Vessel - The First 30 Minutes

September 26, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Vessel. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Vessel is an action strategy platform video game, developed by Strange Loop Games and published by Indie Pub. Living liquid machines called “Fluros” have overrun the world and it is the role of their inventor, Arkwright, to harness the chaos they are causing. Chaos is a pretty strong word, although it sounds ominous, this game is quite beautiful and relaxing. There are types of Fluros that can cause harm, but none are actively aggressive.

You can find out more about Vessel, try the demo, or purchase it here.

Vessel is also available via Steam.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Dead Pixels - The First 30 Minutes

September 24, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Dead Pixels. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Dead Pixels is an independent action video game, developed and published by CSR-Studios.

When the dead start walking, it’s time to run.

A toxic waste spill finds its way into the water supply, causing the deceased to rise from their graves. Now it's up to you to blast your way through the hordes of undead if you're going to escape the city. On the way to your rescue, you'll search stores and houses for supplies, and trade with other survivors. With three game modes, hundreds of items, weapons and grenades, and a city that is never the same twice, there is always something new hiding round the corner in Dead Pixels.

You can find out more about Dead Pixels here.

Dead Pixels is also available via Steam.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Love for Autumn

September 23, 2013

We’ve come full circle to Autumn, my favorite season of the year. I can hardly wait to experience all this time of year has to offer, but reluctant too, as it seems to fly by too fast and then I’ll have to wait another full year to experience it all again.

I love Autumn for the warmth it generates inside your home and soul. Where I live, September and October are still rather warm on some days, turning wet and cold as the months progress toward Winter.  I live for rain and I cannot get enough of it this time of year. The cold, wet weather begins to take over outside, driving us all inside to be together and warm. There’s nothing like making a fire and cuddling up with people you love, reading a good book, watching a movie or playing a video game while the weather misbehaves outside.

Some of the best holidays are found in these “ber” months. Christmas is my personal favorite, but Halloween and Thanksgiving are a close second and third. I love the sights, smells, sounds and feelings Christmas evokes.

I intend on fully enjoying myself this season and invite you to join me. I will be doing a lot of cooking, crafting, book reading and game playing; among other things. Follow along and try some of these activities for yourself, this is a time we should all enjoy!

I intend on:

  • Creating a Halloween movie list for Cameron and I to enjoy watching.
  • Carving pumpkins.
  • Decorating our rooms for Halloween.
  • Enjoying fresh apple cider.
  • Roasting pumpkin seeds.
  • Making caramel apples.
  • Assembling a costume for Halloween.
  • Enjoying hot cocoa.
  • Cooking a dish for Thanksgiving.
  • Visiting Christmas Disneyland.
  • Buying and decorating our Christmas tree together.
  • Decorating our rooms for Christmas.
  • Hand-making presents.
  • Creating a Christmas movie list for Cameron and I to enjoy watching.
  • Baking Christmas Cookies.

There will be other activities I do, but these are the core basics I've set up for myself.

What do you like to do in the fall?

My love affair with Tea!

September 20, 2013

Sodas can have some serious negative effects on your body when consumed regularly and I really want to take steps to a healthier lifestyle. I’ve actually succeeded at cutting soda out and I’ll tell you why...

I treat myself to tea.

I think we all like to be treated to something special. When I would bring a soda or an energy drink to work I felt like it was a special treat to myself; a pick-me-up for the long work day. When my heart started to flutter from drinking too many energy drinks I decided to stop and stop fast.

My treasured Finding Nemo thermos
Now, instead of bringing sodas or energy drinks to work I brew myself my own cup of green tea every morning with a spoonful of local honey. It's healthier, cheaper and with still enough caffeine (you can also get decaffeinated) to brighten your day.

Plain tea can be a healthful, calorie-free beverage, but be careful how much cream, sugar, and flavorings you add into your cup, add too many and your once-healthful drink becomes a rich dessert. I favor natural honey because unlike processed sugar and artificial sweeteners, honey is antioxidant rich and does your body good while taking the edge off your tea.

Laboratory studies suggest that tea may reduce cholesterol levels, help prevent blood clotting, lower the risk of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, heart disease, and even fight inflammation, cancer, and seasonal allergies.

Also ladies, studies suggest these possible health benefits specifically for women:

  • Black and green tea may lower risk for ovarian cancer.

  • Green tea may reduce breast cancer risk.

There are several different teas to choose from, each one delicious and beneficial in it's own right. Try them out!

Scribblenauts Unlimited - The First 30 Minutes

September 19, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Scribblenauts Unlimited. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Scribblenauts Unlimited is a casual adventure strategy video game, developed by 5th Cell Media and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

Maxwell’s parents, both experienced and successful explorers, have given him a magical notebook that can create or edit any object just by writing in it. One day, Maxwell comes across a hungry old man and, as a joke, he uses his notebook to create and give the man a rotten apple. Angered, the old man accuses Maxwell of being spoiled (a correct assessment), and places a curse on Maxwell's sister Lily that slowly turns her to stone. To free her, Maxwell must obtain Starites (a form of currency obtained by helping those in need).

You can find out more about Scribblenauts Unlimited here.

Scribblenauts Unlimited is also available via Steam.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Back to the Future: It's about Time - The First 30 Minutes

September 18, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Back to the Future: It’s about Time. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Back to the Future: It’s about Time is an adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games for Microsoft Windows, OS X and iOS. Set six months after the events of the third film, a driverless DeLorean time machine appears in Hill Valley. Marty travels back in time to seek aid from teenage Emmett Brown and repair the space time continuum before it unravels forever!

I watched the tape out of these movies when I was a kid. My first celebrity crush was Michael J. Fox and I would’ve killed for a hover board.

You can find out more about Back to the Future: It’s about Time or purchase it here.

Back to the Future: It’s about Time is also available via Steam

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.


September 16, 2013

I love walking!

I used to walk every day before I moved into the apartments we just moved out of, I didn’t feel comfortable enough in those surroundings to get outside and walk around the neighborhood. Now that we are back in a friendly environment, I’ve begun walking again.

That’s my aerobic exercise, walking. Adding aerobic exercise or “cardio” to your workout routine has numerous health benefits including building endurance and strengthening your heart, reducing the risk of heart attacks and high blood pressure. Aerobic workouts also help you burn calories and lose weight.

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity. You should be able to carry out short conversations while doing aerobic exercise. If you are having trouble getting enough air while you’re talking, you are most likely performing anaerobic exercise. Anaerobic exercise is medium to high intensity exercise that concentrates on building strength, speed and power. In some cases anaerobic exercise occurs simultaneously with aerobic exercise.

I carry stress in the muscles surrounding and associated with my spine, when affected I get incredibly tense and painful. Sometimes I’ve had to start walking slow until the muscles start to relax and pick up speed as I go. No matter how I feel when I first start walking, I always feel great when I’m finished. I suggest cardio for at least 20 to 30 minutes three to five times a week.

I get up at 5:20, walk from 5:30 to 6:00 and then get ready for work. It’s a really great way to start the day: you feel awake, alert and ready to go!

Sam and Max: The Penal Zone - The First 30 Minutes

September 12, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Sam and Max: The Penal Zone. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Sam and Max: The Penal Zone is an adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. In this first chapter of a five part series, Max discovers that he has "The Gift" which lets him use the Toys of Power (toy shaped artifacts used to wield various psychic powers). After seeing a vision of the future where the enigmatic General Skun-ka'pe attacks Earth, Sam and Max must investigate him to discover his true intentions.

You can find out more about Sam and Max: The Penal Zone or purchase it here.

Sam and Max: The Penal Zone is also available via Steam.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Be yourself

September 11, 2013

I am a gamer geek. I take a lot of pride in this and really have no problem sharing it with others. Being an optimistic sort, I'd like to think now more than ever that being a geek has become more of an accepted social group in society. With the ever expanding realm of technology and how much the human race has come to rely on it, geeks are needed and/or created on a day to day basis.

The current definition of the word Geek in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "an enthusiast or expert, especially in a technological field or activity." Left open to interpretation this can describe a large variety of people, and often does. In fact, you might even say we're all geeks about one thing or another. I found the above artwork by Scott Johnson that illustrates some of the potential geek varieties there are. I might have to get a print of this, I love it!

A more negative definition of the word Geek found on Dictionary.com is "a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual." Let's take into consideration that there are peculiar and dislikable persons in every social group. It's not really about what group they are pocketed into, it's about how they act towards others that make them likable or not. I am completely willing to admit that there are Geeks who are socially awkward and don't act completely "normal", but I wouldn't consider the individuals who pick on them likable or normal either.

What concerns me most, is when people are afraid to be themselves. I have had conversations with people where I've asked them if they say played a certain video game, read certain books, watch certain movies, etc. They put the topic down and explain how above it they are. I would take it all in and start to express how I currently enjoy said topic and why. Most of the time I see relief dawning in these person's eyes and then they admit to liking what we are talking about. I wish they had just come out and said what they were feeling in the first place instead of being afraid of anyone elses' judgement.

I would like to let my readers know that as long as they are friendly towards myself and others they have no reason to hide who they really are. Share with us and Geek out about whatever you want to. It is what you're passionate about after all.

Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees - The First 30 Minutes

September 10, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees is an adventure video game developed and published by Telltale Games. In this first chapter of a four part series, Wallace attempts to save his honey business by growing extra large flowers. When these giant flowers lead to giant bees, Gromit steps in to save the town from an angry swarm.

You can find out more about Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees or purchase it here.

Wallace and Gromit: Fright of the Bumblebees is also available via Steam.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Zero tolerance

September 9, 2013

I have zero tolerance for rudeness.

Please do not ever bring it here or any of my other social media sites. I appreciate comments and constructive criticism, but I will not tolerate trolls. Excessive flaming will be blocked and, if continued, reported.

The anonymity of the Internet has bred too many assholes: not only assholes, sociopaths. People who sit behind their computer screens and microphones and convey horrible (and I mean HORRIBLE) things to and about others, and for what? And why? What purpose could they possibly have? They go out of their way to be despicable to another human being and there’s absolutely no benefit in it for them. It doesn’t sustain them; they don’t get paid to do it, it doesn’t feed or water them, and shelter them, nothing.

Here is just one example of what people say to one another. Believe me, you only really need one...

If that person was actually face to face with the human they just told to go kill themselves, they would not have the audacity to say it to their face. If they did, there would be consequences. Harassment is a crime and would be dealt with in person, and should be dealt with over the Internet.

I understand there is freedom of speech. I understand there is criticism. I favor people saying what they want to say as long as it doesn’t attack the psyche of another human being. I favor criticism (otherwise how would anything ever get any better), but I feel as if it should be delivered in a polite and respectful way.

If you come to my pages and you feel the need to contribute your thoughts, and they are negative, keep it to polite and respectful constructive criticism. I will remove your comment and block you.

It’s ultimately up to each content creator to decide how they would like to handle rudeness, but I believe if we all started showing zero tolerance for this behavior, the Internet, and eventually the World in general, would be a better place.

Ducktales: Remastered - The First 30 Minutes

September 5, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Ducktales: Remastered. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Ducktales: Remastered is an adventure platform video game re-imagined by Wayforward Technologies and published by Capcom for Microsoft Windows and various consoles.

Join Scrooge McDuck as he travels the world in search of five treasures to further increase his fortune. Along the way, Scrooge will also encounter various characters from the cartoon series who provide him with hints, offer items and open up access to new areas. The game was remastered from its former 8bit glory to feature hand-drawn animated sprites, original voice talent from the show (including Alan Young as Scrooge) and richly painted level backgrounds from the classic TV cartoon series.

Ducktales was one of my favorite cartoons when I was a kid. So much so that I wore out the VHS and bought the DVDs when they were released. I never had the pleasure of playing the original game, but my nostalgic love for the show drove me to purchase and try it out!

You can find out more about Ducktales: Remastered or purchase it here.

Ducktales: Remastered is also available via Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Network, Steam and Xbox Live Arcade (September 11).

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube channel.

Anodyne - The First 30 Minutes

September 4, 2013

Hello and welcome to an introductory 30 minute look at Anodyne. This is not a review, this is a first impression for you, the viewer, to get an idea of what this game has in store for you should you choose to purchase and play it for yourself.

Anodyne is a pixelated retro-style action adventure video game developed and published by Sean Hogan and Jonathan Kittaka. The player experiences the subconscious of the protagonist, Young; exploring and fighting the way through nature, urban and abstract themed landscapes and dungeons.

You can find out more about Anodyne and purchase it here.

If you like this video please support me by subscribing to this blog and my YouTube Channel.

Brand new laptop for business

September 3, 2013

I bit the bullet and decided to buy myself a new laptop specifically for work.

My stomach always gives a little flip flop when I spend big money and it was doing full on cartwheels when I bought myself this very nice (but very expensive) Macbook Air. This is the first time I have ever made payments on a credit card, I've always just paid the full balance at the end of each month, and I'm somewhat scared. It’s all worth it though. Everything is clean and crisp, it’s functional and extremely mobile.

I own a Beast (coincidentally what I've nicknamed it) of an Asus G74sx and while it is a great gaming laptop, it is extremely large and heavy to carry around anywhere. I will continue to play games and record on that, while I reserve my Jesse work, blogging, vlogging and so on for my Airbook.

Does anyone have their own Macbook Air or Macbook Pro? Any suggestions for good applications that benefit office and/or blogging work? Or great applications in general?