I am a gamer geek. I take a lot of pride in this and really have no problem sharing it with others. Being an optimistic sort, I'd like to think now more than ever that being a geek has become more of an accepted social group in society. With the ever expanding realm of technology and how much the human race has come to rely on it, geeks are needed and/or created on a day to day basis.
The current definition of the word Geek in the Merriam-Webster dictionary is "an enthusiast or expert, especially in a technological field or activity." Left open to interpretation this can describe a large variety of people, and often does. In fact, you might even say we're all geeks about one thing or another. I found the above artwork by Scott Johnson that illustrates some of the potential geek varieties there are. I might have to get a print of this, I love it!
A more negative definition of the word Geek found on Dictionary.com is "a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, especially one who is perceived to be overly intellectual." Let's take into consideration that there are peculiar and dislikable persons in every social group. It's not really about what group they are pocketed into, it's about how they act towards others that make them likable or not. I am completely willing to admit that there are Geeks who are socially awkward and don't act completely "normal", but I wouldn't consider the individuals who pick on them likable or normal either.
What concerns me most, is when people are afraid to be themselves. I have had conversations with people where I've asked them if they say played a certain video game, read certain books, watch certain movies, etc. They put the topic down and explain how above it they are. I would take it all in and start to express how I currently enjoy said topic and why. Most of the time I see relief dawning in these person's eyes and then they admit to liking what we are talking about. I wish they had just come out and said what they were feeling in the first place instead of being afraid of anyone elses' judgement.
I would like to let my readers know that as long as they are friendly towards myself and others they have no reason to hide who they really are. Share with us and Geek out about whatever you want to. It is what you're passionate about after all.
That's a DANGEROUS and quite possibly long-winded subject there good buddy... You don't need me anymore long-winded than I already am, I am sure of that much. So instead of Geeking out, how about I list some of my favorite things at the moment?
ReplyDeleteDragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Full Metal Alchemist, FMA: Brotherhood, Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)- Both Anime and Manga, Naruto Shippuden - again both Anime and Manga, Saint's Row 4, Fall Out (specifically 3 but I am currently giving New Vegas a second chance), Sobe Lemonade in a glass bottle (neither the glass bottles nor the lemonade are produced any longer... Oh and they have a blend of Melissa! Finally, someone besides my cousin and me that will appreciate that! XD), Birds of Prey, Board Games (I collect Monopoly sets... It's almost a hoarder problem...), Outlaw Star, Batman (though I am boycotting DC over the Harley Quinn Suicide Contest...), Books (Bibliophile! Present...), D&D (3.5 ed. all the way!) and Bowling!
That's a short list and each one I could go one forever about. I am always looking for more too. So by all means, make me not the only geeky fan that blurbs their interests! May we unite! Besides, we're taking over the world anyways, why are we still scared to be revealed?
Anyways, to all that read this, may your day be fantastic and full of harmless, but enjoyable adventures!
Always throw spilled salt over your left shoulder, never step on a crack in the path if you can help it and make sure to knock on wood!
I think geeking/nerding out on something is human nature be it classic cars, stapes, coins, sports, to comics, video games, boardgames or cartoons every one has something.
ReplyDeleteAs for me i would say I'm a Gamer Geek and a Lore Geek, for me there's nothing better then a really good story in a game told not only though dialog and script but though the mood and weight of the world its set in as well lol i could go on forever on this topic. I'm also a big sci-fi and fantasy geek to i like super heroes even though ware a grew up we was not any comic stores. and i am a big fan of Cowboys Football. i have had other "geek" friends say to me that i was not a real nerd or geek because I liked a sport. even going as far as saying i was a fake... i only bring that last part up to showcase how much hate can be on both sides
i can be an introvert and socially awkward at times living in north Texas i did now grow up with a lot of friends that liked the things i did lol hell i ate lunch alone a school from 4th to 10th grade i tryed to make up for it by being a class clown at times wich woked some till i got to high school all of the sudden my jokes made me a weirdo but im okay with that...
at the end of the day i self identify as a geek... geek and proud