Love for Autumn

September 23, 2013

We’ve come full circle to Autumn, my favorite season of the year. I can hardly wait to experience all this time of year has to offer, but reluctant too, as it seems to fly by too fast and then I’ll have to wait another full year to experience it all again.

I love Autumn for the warmth it generates inside your home and soul. Where I live, September and October are still rather warm on some days, turning wet and cold as the months progress toward Winter.  I live for rain and I cannot get enough of it this time of year. The cold, wet weather begins to take over outside, driving us all inside to be together and warm. There’s nothing like making a fire and cuddling up with people you love, reading a good book, watching a movie or playing a video game while the weather misbehaves outside.

Some of the best holidays are found in these “ber” months. Christmas is my personal favorite, but Halloween and Thanksgiving are a close second and third. I love the sights, smells, sounds and feelings Christmas evokes.

I intend on fully enjoying myself this season and invite you to join me. I will be doing a lot of cooking, crafting, book reading and game playing; among other things. Follow along and try some of these activities for yourself, this is a time we should all enjoy!

I intend on:

  • Creating a Halloween movie list for Cameron and I to enjoy watching.
  • Carving pumpkins.
  • Decorating our rooms for Halloween.
  • Enjoying fresh apple cider.
  • Roasting pumpkin seeds.
  • Making caramel apples.
  • Assembling a costume for Halloween.
  • Enjoying hot cocoa.
  • Cooking a dish for Thanksgiving.
  • Visiting Christmas Disneyland.
  • Buying and decorating our Christmas tree together.
  • Decorating our rooms for Christmas.
  • Hand-making presents.
  • Creating a Christmas movie list for Cameron and I to enjoy watching.
  • Baking Christmas Cookies.

There will be other activities I do, but these are the core basics I've set up for myself.

What do you like to do in the fall?


  1. I too love fall. The leaves changing color, the air getting the nip of cold to it that hasn't quite reached a chill. The time of year for completion and resetting. The air itself seems to hum with the loving buzz of change. Fall is easily the best season of them all, and lend it not the least of your thought that the holiday season begs attention of us all. Halloween is my favorite holiday, I look forward to the costumes and the embracing of a little chaos in one's life. It represents a lot to me, it represents all of those negatives things we encounter everyday and turning them into a positive light cast upon our lives. Thanksgiving is no slouch either, lending ear to all of our pleasures and pressing us to remember who and what we are thankful for having, experiencing and bringing back that which was forgotten. I don;t have a lot of family, and what I do have tends to remind me of all the negative things I was, and partially still am. This time of year reminds me that I chose to be more, and to be different, and thanksgiving, for all the weirdness and awkward times I spend with family, reminds me who I am, who I was, and why I choose to walk the path I walk.

    And let's not forget Christmas! I am not the biggest fan of Christmas as an adult, but with children in my life, I find it to be one of the most pleasing aspects to give them things they desire, and perhaps introduce them to new worlds and activities that may well have been lost on them had I not done so. The general feeling of happiness in the air is a nice reprieve from the stress and general upset I usually feel. Fall indeed brings us as a country, to a better place.

    Things I love to do in the fall you ask?
    I love to bake, cookies and pies, but also to try my hand at new things and spread cinnamon dust and allspice all over the house to make it smell wonderful!

    I love to carve pumpkins, make costumes and to work up elaborate scenes of intrigue and apprehension, that it may make their halloween special and exciting.

    I love to wait for the rain and chill to sweep in, that I may partake of the most excellent of all hot cocoas, and to encourage me to bake even more! I also love a good food fight if I can get people going! =P

    I like to cook, and especially to eat all of the thanksgiving meals. From turkey, to ham, to turducken... I enjoy making fudge and elaborate fruit tart pies.

    Most importantly of all my activities in fall though, the one I dare not let slip my mind... I love to walk through the most heavily wooded areas, usually just a park or out of town in the thin woods we share here in Southern CA. I love to look at nature in all of it's fantastic beauty and appreciate the brushes strokes she's used to paint our world; that which most of us forget to see, for lack of time.

    This is my favorite time of year... That it is gone too fast is a pain we endure together Miss Lissa!

    I hope you have a whole lot of adventure, love, intrigue, misadventures (hey! they are just as important as real adventures!), laughter and just a hint of scary in your fall this year! ^_^ Take care of yourself and remember to observe the superstitions in October! =P

    1. My sentiments exactly! I couldn't have described how I feel about fall any better than how you just did!
