To conquer Fez you have to be observant and smart; be aware of your surroundings and experiment to move forward. To help you get started on your journey, I’ve put together some solutions.
This is not a step by step walkthrough, but a source of secret codes for those playing Fez on a computer.
The Blue Sky Hub is the most expansive and thus I'll be dividing it into sections.
Blue Sky
Waterfall Face Hub
Climb to the top of the statue and follow its Tetromino sequence to part the waterfall and reveal a secret door behind it.
Left, A, Right, D, Up, Space, Down, D, D
Rosetta Stone
Before doing anything else climb to the very top of the waterfall structure and pass through the door in the tree.
In the next area you’ll notice a large pillar with Fez hieroglyphics on it. Next to the pillar, a fox is leaping over a dog. The Fez alphabet can be solved by inserting “The Quick Brown Fox, Jumps Over the Lazy Dog” into the appropriate spaces.
Return to the main Waterfall Face Hub and go through the secret passage you opened. Once inside the door, use the crank to lower the water level as far as it will go and continue following the path, through the newly revealed door.
Waterfall Face Hub
Return to the main Waterfall Hub and you’ll see the ocean level has lowered too. Go through the revealed door.
Security Room
Translate the stone pillar and answer the security question using the hints. Arrange the blocks facing the door, but tilt your head to the right and spell it out right to left, top down.
Waterfall Face Hub
Return to the main Waterfall Hub, climb to the top of the tree by the stone and wait for nightfall. Speak to the owl, you now have three more owls to find.
During the same night shift perspective and approach the Tetromino door lit by moonlight.
Left, A, Left, Right, D, Down, Up, A
Enter the door into an awesome area that we’ll call the Blue Beat Room.
Blue Beat Room
Make your way through the room to the top for an Anticube. Halfway up, duck through a doorway and stand on the Tuning Fork inside. Listen to the bass tones, if you’re wearing headphones you’ll be able to hear which side each beat comes from and piece it together to give you your perspective sequence.
D, A, A, A, D, A, A, D
Infinity Room
This room cycles infinitely, but if you pay attention to each platform you’ll notice it is a Tetromino code.
Right, A, Right, Space, D, Down, Space, Up
Use the small warp gate to return to the Blue Sky Hub.
Not a lot to add for this game but I thought I'd chime in to say, Happy Turkey Day and let you know I miss ya. =) Take care Miss Lissa!!!